Countdown is a global event powered by TED and Future Stewards to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. The goal is to build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 in the race to a zero-carbon world. Countdown seeks to answer 5 fundamental, interconnected questions that can help form a blueprint for a cleaner future and turn ideas into action.
Energy: How rapidly can we switch to 100% clean power?
Transport: How can we upgrade the way we move people and things?
Materials: How can we re-imagine and re-make the stuff around us?
Food: How can we spark a worldwide shift to healthier food systems?
Nature: How do we better protect and re-green the earth?
India has the highest youth population in the world and South Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions prone to climate change. The actions we take now will affect the future of our world. We understand how crucial it is for all of us to take actions to protect our environment. Therefore, we have partnered with Ted Countdown to join the race to a zero carbon world and become a climate champion. While we are training children to become better players, we also feel that we need to take strong action to build a better future for them.
The Foundation annually works with over 3000 children. Our aim is to make them aware of socially relevant issues through the medium of football. Through our initiatives and workshops we champion 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals; SDG3 – Good Health and Wellbeing, SDG5 – Gender Equality and SDG12 – Sustainable Production and Consumption. The children participating in our programs understand the need for waste management and sustainability. We look forward to sharing knowledge about climate change with them. This will empower them to take the small but necessary steps towards a greener future.
Ted Countdown launches on 10th October 2020 with a global virtual event. This will consist of talks, interviews and performances by thought leaders, scientists, naturalists, policymakers and business leaders from around the world. With these conversations, we all can collectively identify solutions that can help the world recover from the climate crisis.
Join us on the 10th of October. Let’s talk about the impact we are creating, the changes we can make and the actions we can take.